
WSDL2Java 命令: 语法:

WSDL2Java 命令:
wsdl2java -fe <frontend name>* -db <data binding name>* -wv <[wsdl version]>*
-p <[wsdl namespace =]Package Name>* -sn <service-name> -b <binding-name>*
-catalog <catalog-file-name> -d <output-directory> -compile
-classdir <compile-classes-directory> -impl -server -client -all
-autoNameResolution -defaultValues<=class name for DefaultValueProvider> -ant
-nexclude <schema namespace [= java packagename]>*  -exsh <(true, false)>
-dns <(true, false)> -dex <(true, false)> -validate -keep
-wsdlLocation <wsdlLocation attribute> -xjc<xjc arguments> -noAddressBinding -h
-v -verbose -quiet <wsdlurl>

wsdl2java takes a WSDL document and generates fully annotated Java code from which to implement a service.
The WSDL document must have a valid portType element, but it does not need to contain a binding element or a service
element. Using the optional arguments you can customize the generated code. In addition, wsdl2java can generate an Ant
based makefile to build your application.

wsdl2java HelloWorld.wsdl

wsdl2java -p com.iona.greeting Greeting.wsdl

wsdl2java -client HelloWorld.wsdl

The arguments used to manage the code generation process are reviewed in the following table.

Option  Interpretation 
-?  Displays the online help for this utility. 
-help  Displays the online help for this utility. 
-h  Displays the online help for this utility. 
-fe frontend-name  Specifies the frontend. Default is JAXWS. Currently supports only JAXWS frontend. 
-db databinding-name  Specifies the databinding. Default is jaxb. Currently supports jaxb and xmlbeans databinding. sdo (sdo-static and sdo-dynamic) supported in 2.3. 
-wv wsdl-version  Specifies the wsdl version .Default is WSDL1.1. Currently suppports only WSDL1.1 version. 
-p [ wsdl-namespace= ] PackageName  Specifies zero, or more, package names to use for the generated code. Optionally specifies the WSDL namespace to package name mapping. 
-sn service-name  The WSDL service name to use for the generated code. 
-b binding-name  Specifies JAXWS or JAXB binding files or XMLBeans context files. Use multiple -b flags to specify multiple entries. 
-catalog catalog-file-name  Specify catalog file to map the imported wsdl/schema 
-d output-directory  Specifies the directory into which the generated code files are written. 
-compile  Compiles generated Java files. 
-classdir complile-class-dir  Specifies the directory into which the compiled class files are written. 
-client  Generates starting point code for a client mainline. 
-server  Generates starting point code for a server mainline. 
-impl  Generates starting point code for an implementation object. 
-all  Generates all starting point code: types, service proxy, service interface, server mainline, client mainline, implementation object, and an Ant build.xml file. 
-ant  Generates the Ant build.xml file. 
-autoNameResolution  Automatically resolve naming conflicts without requiring the use of binding customizations. 
-defaultValues=[DefaultValueProvider impl]  Specifies that default values are generated for the impl and client. You can also provide a custom default value provider. The default provider is RandomValueProvider 
-nexclude schema-namespace [=java-packagename]  Ignore the specified WSDL schema namespace when generating code. This option may be specified multiple times. Also, optionally specifies the Java package name used by types described in the excluded namespace(s). 
-exsh (true/false) Enables or disables processing of implicit SOAP headers (i.e. SOAP headers defined in the wsdl:binding but not wsdl:portType section.) Default is false. 
-dns (true/false)  Enables or disables the loading of the default namespace package name mapping. Default is true and http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing=org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing namespace package mapping will be enabled. 
-dex (true/false)  Enables or disables the loading of the default excludes namespace mapping. Default is true. 
-validate  Enables validating the WSDL before generating the code. 
-keep  Specifies that the code generator will not overwrite any preexisting files. You will be responsible for resolving any resulting compilation issues. 
-wsdlLocation wsdlLocation  Specifies the value of the @WebServiceClient annotation's wsdlLocation property. 
-xjc<xjc args>  Specifies a comma separated list of arguments that are passed directly to the XJC processor when using the JAXB databinding. A list of available XJC plugins can be obtained using -xjc-X. 
-noAddressBinding  For compatibility with CXF 2.0, this flag directs the code generator to generate the older CXF proprietary WS-Addressing types instead of the JAX-WS 2.1 compliant WS-Addressing types. 
-v  Displays the version number for the tool. 
-verbose  Displays comments during the code generation process. 
-quiet  Suppresses comments during the code generation process. 
wsdlfile  The path and name of the WSDL file to use in generating the code. 



    wsdl2java.bat使用方法 wsdl2java包 axis所有的包


    抛出无法找到主类:org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java(Throws Could not find main class: org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java)。 添加本文的jar包压缩包解压出来的所有jar包到当前使用的java.exe 命令的lib目录下的ext...


    D:\Software\axis2-1.6.2\bin&gt;wsdl2java.bat -uri -o E:\wsdloutput -p com.util wsdl2java.bat -uri ...


    wsdl2java命令使用,所需要配置的 环境变量指定的bin包

    使用Apache Axis1.0中的WSDL2Java需要用到的所有jar

    调用WSDL2Java需要相关jars,使用-cp添加进来,不支持使用通配符。提醒:Linux下jar之间使用冒号隔开:,windows下jar之间使用分号隔开 调用方法 java -cp mail-1.4.jar;saaj-api-1.3.jar;jaxrpc-1.1.jar;commons-...


    wsdl2java工具 修改WSDL2Java(URL).bat后直接双击运行即可 编辑 WSDL2Java(URL).bat set Axis_Lib=.\lib //引用包 set Java_Cmd=java -Djava.ext.dirs=%Axis_Lib% set Output_Path=.\source //输出目录 set Package...

    WSDL2Java工具包 附带使用说明

    1、安装jdk Java开发环境 2、编辑(包名,输出路径,wsdl)参数并运行WSDL2Java(URL).bat或者WSDL2Java(file).bat后,将在source中生成WebService客户端代码。 3、直接使用生成的代码调用WebService服务即可。








    2、解压之后,编辑(包名,输出路径,wsdl)参数并运行WSDL2Java(URL).bat或者WSDL2Java(file).bat后,将在source中生成WebService客户端代码。 3、直接使用生成的代码调用WebService服务即可。


    wsdl2java wsdl2java wsdl2java 生成客户端服务端代码



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    使用cxf wsdl2java生成webservice客户端命令


    wsdl生成java代码的工具,运行wsdl2java.cmd ,可根据代码的实际需求修改成路径, wsdl生成java代码的工具,运行wsdl2java.cmd ,可根据代码的实际需求修改成路径



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    wsdl2java源码原作者注 该插件不再由其创建者维护。 这个存储库只是一个分支,将被动维护以跟上我依赖它的项目。 wsdl2java gradle 插件 // TODO 采用自述文件 用于从 wsdl 生成 java 的 Gradle 插件,在引擎盖下...

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